In today's busy digital climate, consumers are constantly on the go with their digital devices. Smartphones and other mobile devices have begun to dominate how many consumers do business. Car dealerships should aim to get in on the digital game also by tailoring their business for mobile users. Not doing so can mean missing out on some lucrative deals. Millennials in particular are becoming a driving force in the economy, and many industries are taking steps to market specifically to that segment of the population. The following are keys to developing a compelling mobile strategy:
Design a Website for Mobile Use
When gearing up to become more mobile, it is crucial to develop a website with a responsive mobile design. There are some significant components of a mobile design, including difference in text sizes, link spacing, and the speed in which media content is loaded. The overall usability of mobile sites must be very clear and easy to understand. Inventory should be easy to view, and information should be easy to input if the customer is in need of additional information. Taking these steps not only makes the site more mobile friendly, but it also helps it rank higher in search engine results pages. Car dealerships that rank the highest have the most probability to be viewed most often by automobile shoppers.
Utilize Mobile Advertising
Most car dealerships have a segment of their budgets that is directed towards advertising. This includes the usual suspects such as television and radio advertising, along with print media advertising. It is also crucial to dedicate some of the budget to digital advertising. Digital advertising, which includes cost-per-click campaigns, can bring in traffic to the store. Effective campaigns can help increase sales productivity by showcasing the inventory through mobile social media use.
However, it is important to develop a CPC strategy that is targeted solely for mobile users. This strategy can capture attention and direct mobile buyers to the dealership. Some strategies to consider implementing include geo-fencing, custom audience segments, and registered showroom visits.
Getting Started
For car dealerships that have never delved into the world of mobile marketing, it can be very confusing when getting started. For the best results, consider hiring a media marketing consultant to help implement the digital tools that area needed to bring the business into the 21st century. It can also be very beneficial to hire a full time mobile marketing associate to manage this aspect of the business. Since mobile digital retailing is the way of the future, it is important to embrace the technology available with full force.
General managers of car dealerships should strongly consider adopting a mobile first strategy. By not leveraging the mobile aspects of the business, the dealership is not effectively interacting with customers to the fullest extent. Taking the time to implement a mobile strategy into the business can highlight the experience for the customer and build a stronger branding strategy. Contact a business, such as Hart Fullerton Leasing, for more information.